速報APP / 生活品味 / Best Khmer Horoscope

Best Khmer Horoscope





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Best Khmer Horoscope(圖1)-速報App

We seen many app on store has only one horoscope. So we decide to develop all in one horoscope. This app is different from other app on store. We try to collect many fortune teller apps and put it all in this app. Well, it’s time to tell you which collection of horoscopes that has in this app.

1. Predict name by LATIN alphabet

With this prediction you can:

- Guess your behavior and characteristic

Best Khmer Horoscope(圖2)-速報App

- Guess your personality

- Guess your love and marriage

- Guess your job and money

2. Predict your phone number

Best Khmer Horoscope(圖3)-速報App

With this prediction you can know a luckiness of your SimCard number.

3. Predict influence love by phone number

With this prediction you can know influence of love of your boyfriend or girlfriend.

4. Find your couple by birthdate

Best Khmer Horoscope(圖4)-速報App

You can predict you future couple:

- attitude

- person type

- characteristics

Best Khmer Horoscope(圖5)-速報App

- behavior and so on.

5. Predict attitude by their birthdate

This prediction can tell you which type of person your are? It also can tell about your love.

6. Guess lottery number by dream

Best Khmer Horoscope(圖6)-速報App

Can guess the lottery number by dream.

7. Dreaming prediction

Is your dream good or bad? Is it affect your future life?

We will try to add more content in the future to make this app become the best fortune app.

Best Khmer Horoscope(圖7)-速報App

Now it’s time for you to download Best Khmer Horoscope. Download it now!!!